leptoconnect: Does This Supplement Helps in Reducing Weight?
leptoconnect like I have had gross pizza like I had Little Caesars but because I love this one so much I wouldn't make it like an the diet foods replace real food so that's the quick recap so many people were asking about that Kristine is wondering Molly how do you handle the bad days when like you are just feeling weak or like you're just gonna eat crappy food okay so here's how I handle the bad days I'll eat the food like if there's a specific food for instance um Doritos I love Doritos I I [Music] honestly will eat if I really feel like I'm not gonna get through this I need my I'll eat the Doritos honestly I have had that a few times where I just want to eat but the other thing that I've noticed that if I'm feeling like I'm bored and want to eat something that I know is it good for me I'll get outside and I will just walk I will but we've a lake at our neighborhood and I might just go and walk one lap around the lake and I've...